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It is highly recommended to stay overnight in Gaurikund. It is placed in 2 km above the sea level. This is not very high but it is better to start getting used to low oxygen level.
There are two Gauri svayambhus in Gaurikund: two spring sources. One with hot water one with yellow water.
It is not possible to go by car to Kedarnath. But you can rent a horse for 400 rupees ($8). 14 km road you can go in 4-5 hours.
It is possible to go by foot but it is quite hard.
There are a lot of hotels in Kedarnath from 100 to 300 rupees in a day. There is no hot water but you can order it for 20 rupees.
Weather. We were there in the beginning of october. It is just after rainy season. And it is the beginning of snowy season :) This means each evening snow starts. It was around -5 at night and +15-20 in daytime.
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